News and Events- Free Speech Union of Australia

News and Updates


Toby Young's Tour of Australia

Monday Jun 17 2024 at 13:00 PM

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The Free Speech Union of Australia is delighted to host Toby Young, the director of the Free Speech Union in the UK, for a Tour of Australia.

Toby's tour is a fantastic opportunity for Free Speech Union supporters to learn more about international free speech issues and the work of other Free Speech Unions around the world.

As a journalist, political commentator, frequent TV and radio guest, and author, Toby brings expertise in education, media, and contemporary politics.

Tickets for events are $29 - or free if you are a member.

  • Brisbane Friday 28th of June (PM) - TICKETS
  • Hobart Saturday 29th of June (Afternoon) - TICKETS
  • ...[Read more...]

    Free Speech Union

    of Australia


    Jonathan Rauch and a Symposium on Intellectual Freedom in the Academy

    Tuesday May 21 2024 at 13:00 PM

    Free Speech Union of Australia

    We are excited to announce that tickets are on sale for the Jonathan Rauch events in Melbourne (CBD). There is a dinner on Monday the 20th of May 2024 at 7pm, as well as a public lecture on the 21st of May 2024 at 4:30pm.

    Jonathan is one of the USA’s most versatile and original writers on government, public policy, and gay marriage, among other subjects. A senior fellow of the Brookings Institution in Washington and contributing writer of The Atlantic, he is the author of eight books and many articles and has received the magazine industry’s two leading prizes — the National Magazine Award (the industry’s equivalent of the Pulitzer Prize) and the National...[Read more...]

    Free Speech Union

    of Australia


    Tax need not be taxing - our email exchange with the Guardian

    Friday Mar 08 2024 at 11:00 AM

    We note with some bemusement today's article in the Guardian which cites an unnamed academic who makes claims concerning our tax status. The full exchange (minus pleasentaries and email signatures), including our full substantive responses, is below. This addresses some of the omissions in the Guardian article.

    Original Questions from Tory Shepherd on Wednesday 21 February 2024

    Thanks for this, see questions below - I'm hoping to have answers by the end of the day but let me know if that's not possible

    • Why does FSU choose to describe itself as a "union"? What is its structure?

    • FSU says most people can claim a tax deduction, but I can't see how, and I've spoken to...[Read more...]

      Free Speech Union

      of Australia


      Announcement: March Free Speech Drinks

      Wednesday Mar 06 2024 at 11:00 AM

      Following on from Melbourne last week, our members drinks are happening in many cities across Australia this week. We welcome all members, their friends and also those interested in finding out more about the FSU.

      1. Brisbane - The first social event is Thursday March 7th from 6:30pm at the Regatta Tavern in Toowong.

      2. Sydney - The next members event is on Thursday the 7th of March at 7pm in the drawing room of the Glenmore Hotel.

      3. Hobart - This will be on Thursday the 7th of March 2024, at 6pm in Manky Sally's.

      4. Perth - this will be on the Friday 8th of March 2024 from 5:30pm (but now...[Read more...]

        Free Speech Union

        of Australia


        Letter to the AHRC concerning Free Speech and a consultation on 'Trans and Gender Diverse Human Rights'

        Monday Feb 26 2024 at 11:00 AM

        The Free Speech Union of Australia has written to the AHRC to express its concern about a recent consultation launched by them. There are two primary issues that we have.

        First, we find it most worrying that the Human Rights Commission - which is vouchsafed with protecting the most fundamental human right, namely free speech, is instead promoting 'concerns' such as 'mis-information'. This is inconsistent with the AHRC's statutory role.

        Second, we are also concerned that the AHRC is seeking to censor submissions, to only people it calls 'subject matter experts' -Restricting who can submit is antithetical to liberal democratic principles and will have a chilling effect on submissions. It also does not help resolve the difficult issues, or...[Read more...]

        Free Speech Union

        of Australia


        Announcement: Feburary Free Speech Drinks

        Wednesday Jan 31 2024 at 11:00 AM

        Our members drinks are happening in Melbourne, Perth and Sydney. We welcome all members, their friends and also those interested in finding out more about the FSU.

        1. Melbourne (Friday) - Meet in the Mitre Tavern from 5:30 onwards on Friday the 2nd of February.

        2. Perth (Friday) - Meet in 43 Below, from 6:30PM on Friday the 2nd of February.

        3. Sydney (Thursday) - Members drinks will be at the Glenmore Hotel in the Drawing Room from 7pm on Thursday the 1st of February, but you can come and mingle in the upstairs bar cocktail bar beforehand.

        We look forward to meeting you there!

        [Read more...]

        Free Speech Union

        of Australia


        Response to Digital ID Consultation

        Thursday Jan 18 2024 at 11:00 AM

        The Free Speech Union has made a submission to the Australian Parliament on the Digital ID Bill 2023.

        Our concerns cover two different areas. The first is the possibility of these ID providers to become gatekeepers, just as existing payment processors are. We note that the Bill as presently drafted provides no protection against the arbitary denial of such services. Due to this failing, there is a significant risk that the difficulties with payment processors is repeated, and members of the public are cut off due to exercising their Free Speech rights, or because someone finds what they said to be objectionable.

        The second is the lack of Free Speech imposed on cybersecurity professionals. Openness should be at the heart...[Read more...]

        Free Speech Union

        of Australia


        Response to Discrimination Costs Consultation

        Monday Jan 08 2024 at 11:00 AM

        The Free Speech Union of Australia has made a submission to the Australian Parliament in response to a consultation on anti-discrimination laws.

        As presently planned, if a claimant wins on any point in a discrimination claim, then they are entitled to their full legal costs. This reduces the risk of bringing discrimination claims, even when they are poorly conceived, arguably vexatious, or based on merely being 'offended'.

        We are concerned that the proposed cost-shifting arrangements will promote attacks on Free Speech and will simultaneously undermine anti-discrimination law. We have proposed some modifications to this Bill, as well as to anti-discrimination law more generally, in order to address these unintended consequences.

        In particular, we seek to remove 'offence' based provisions which...[Read more...]

        Free Speech Union

        of Australia


        Sacked for a Tweet

        Wednesday Dec 27 2023 at 19:00 PM

        RMIT University Professor Sacked for a Tweet

        Below is the story of one of our members, Professor Andrew Timming, who was dismissed (subject to an appeal) by RMIT University this year. He was dismissed in effect for an innocuous tweet, made as a part of the public engagement that RMIT and other Universities increasingly like to encourage.

        This case is most concerning. It shows that there is no academic freedom at RMIT University. This could happen to anyone, be they a staff or student, who happens to say something that someone takes exception to. This is the opposite of what a University should be: a place for free inquiry and discussion, no matter who might be offended.

        Andrew's story is...[Read more...]

        Free Speech Union

        of Australia


        Response to Whilstleblowing Law Consultation

        Sunday Dec 24 2023 at 11:00 AM

        The Free Speech Union of Australia has made a submission to the Australian Parliament in response to a consultation on revising whistleblowing laws. The FSU has responded to this consultation both as an organisation with a general interest in Free Speech and as a Union with members who are directly impacted by the outcome.

        Whistleblower protections are important to individuals, organisations and society as a whole. It protects those people who bring attention to wrongdoing or practices that an organisation wishes to keep hidden but deserve correction or scrutiny.

        This is particularly important in organisations that are there to serve the public by implementing the decisions that come out of our democratic institutions. An extra level of transparency and accountability...[Read more...]

        Free Speech Union

        of Australia


        December Update of Free Speech Union of Australia

        Saturday Dec 09 2023 at 11:00 AM

        December Update of Free Speech Union of Australia

        The Free Speech Union of Australia opened for Membership two months ago. Since then, we have grown considerably. We greatly appreciate all your support and look forward from going to strength to strength, as we build momentum.

        1. November Events and Launch Event

        In November, we launched with a stellar line up of speakers, with Rowan Dean as host, and Peter Ridd, Moira Deeming, Holly Lawford-Smith and Jonathan Ayling as our speakers. We are particularly grateful to Professor Andrew Timming for organising the launch night - Andrew will be on our Advisory Council (which we plan to launch shortly). For those of you who missed it, Andrew also went on Outsiders to...[Read more...]

        Free Speech Union

        of Australia


        Westminister Declaration

        Tuesday Oct 31 2023 at 11:00 AM

        Westminister Declaration

        We are pleased to announce that the directors of the Free Speech Union of Australia are co-signatories of the Westminster Declaration.

        This highlights "increasing international censorship that threatens to erode centuries-old democratic norms" and is supported by a range of luminaries who are well-recognised as experts on free speech and human rights. The full text is below:

        We write as journalists, artists, authors, activists, technologists, and academics to warn of increasing international censorship that threatens to erode centuries-old democratic norms.

        Coming from the left, right, and centre, we are united by our commitment to universal human rights and freedom of speech, and we are all deeply concerned about attempts to label protected speech as...

        [Read more...]

        Free Speech Union

        of Australia


        Spectator Article about Free Speech Union of Australia

        Thursday Oct 26 2023 at 11:00 AM

        Spectator Article about Free Speech Union of Australia

        One of our Directors has written an article in the Spectator about the Launch of the Free Speech Union of Australia. Please see the full text below:

        Fighting Them on the Speeches: Why the FSU is needed in Australia
        By Dara Macdonald

        There is a view that is common amongst the sceptics of cancel culture, that it is merely a battle between elites and it has no effect on ordinary people.

        The reasoning goes that all victims of cancellation attempts are wealthy and influential and the ones doing the mobbing are those privileged enough to hold the specific set of luxury beliefs that have become the modern 'Woke' orthodoxy....

        [Read more...]

        Free Speech Union

        of Australia


        The reported suspension of 10-year old autistic student

        Sunday Oct 15 2023 at 11:00 AM

        The Free Speech Union of Australia (FSU) is a non-profit organisation that aims to protect and promote the Free Speech rights of our members and Australians more broadly. We are most concerned about a reported suspension of a student at Manor Lakes school.

        It was reported that a 10-year old autistic student was suspended from your school after expressing concerns about a female-identifying student using the female bathrooms. The asserted justification for the suspension is based on the speech of the student in question posing 'a danger, whether actual, perceived, or threatened, to the health, safety or wellbeing of any person.'

        The FSU considers the student to have been seriously wronged by this decision as it infringes their human rights...[Read more...]

        Free Speech Union

        of Australia


        Launch of the Free Speech Union of Australia

        Monday Oct 02 2023 at 11:00 AM

        Press Release

        Launch of the Free Speech Union of Australia: a defining moment for the protection and advancement of Free Speech in Australia

        The Free Speech Union of Australia (FSU) officially launches today. The FSU is the Australian sister organisation of the original Free Speech Union ( started by Toby Young in the UK. Like all Free Speech Unions, the FSU will be a non-partisan advocate for the Free Speech rights of our members and all Australians.

        The vision of the FSU is an Australia where people have their Free Speech rights broadly protected and promoted, not only because Free Speech is a fundamental right and crucial for a functioning democracy, but also because being able to express ourselves freely,...[Read more...]

        Free Speech Union

        of Australia


        Announcement: First Friday Free Speech Drinks

        Tuesday Sep 26 2023 at 20:48 PM

        From the first Friday in February 2024, members of the FSU in Sydney and Melbourne will be invited to attend monthly networking drinks with various speakers and guests to be announced.

        These drinks will be free to attend but only our members will be invited to do so.

        The primary goal of the “First Friday Free Speech Drinks” is to give our members an opportunity to meet like-minded people and network with other professionals who value Free Speech.

        It is the belief of the FSU that friendships are one of the best protections against those who wish to silence. People are only good targets for cancellation mobs when they feel alone. For that reason, creating social and networking opportunities for...[Read more...]

        Free Speech Union

        of Australia


        Misinformation and Disinformation Regulation: Unnecessary, Unjust and Unworkable

        Friday Aug 18 2023 at 10:00 AM

        Press Release

        Misinformation and Disinformation Regulation: Unnecessary, Unjust and Unworkable

        The FSU is a non-partisan organisation established in order to promote the fundamental human right of Freedom of Speech within Australia. We defend, protect and promote the Free Speech rights of all Australians irrespective of the content of the speech.

        The FSU strongly objects to the passing of the Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2023 (the Bill) into law, primarily due to the impact it will have upon Free Speech by encouraging censorship and by impeding innovation in the online media space.

        We recommend that the attempt to regulate misinformation and disinformation is abandoned in its entirety, but at a minimum this Bill should be amended as...[Read more...]

        Free Speech Union

        of Australia