Toby Young's Tour of Australia - Free Speech Union of Australia

Toby Young's Tour of Australia

Monday Jun 17 2024 at 13:00 PM

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The Free Speech Union of Australia is delighted to host Toby Young, the director of the Free Speech Union in the UK, for a Tour of Australia.

Toby's tour is a fantastic opportunity for Free Speech Union supporters to learn more about international free speech issues and the work of other Free Speech Unions around the world.

As a journalist, political commentator, frequent TV and radio guest, and author, Toby brings expertise in education, media, and contemporary politics.

Tickets for events are $29 - or free if you are a member.

  • Brisbane Friday 28th of June (PM) - TICKETS
  • Hobart Saturday 29th of June (Afternoon) - TICKETS
  • Adelaide Sunday 30th of June (Afternoon) - TICKETS
  • Melbourne Thursday 4th July (Evening) - TICKETS
  • Sydney Tuesday 9th July (Evening) - Panel Talk with all Free Speech Unions (NZ, SA and UK) - TICKETS
  • Sydney Wednesday 10th July (Evening) - Free Speech Drinks - TICKETS
  • Perth [UPDATED] Saturday 14th July (2PM) - TICKETS

We look forward to seeing people there!

Free Speech Union of Australia