Stop the MisInfomation Bill

We have provided a tool below that helps you to produce a submission to send to Parliament based on your concerns, in order to try and persuade the Senate to stand up strong against the Bill.

This is one of the most important fights for Free Speech we have on our hands. The MisInformation Bill, if passed, would allow any view that ACMA deems to be 'misinformation' to be collaterally censored. It covers topics like 'public health' and even 'banking', but excludes the Government and the establishment. In other words, any views that the Government does not like. This is undemocratic and we need your help to fight it!

Each email is unique and you may wish to edit it to fully align with your views. Please hurry, as the Government have been sneaky and only given people a short time to respond: the deadline is the 30th of September 2024.